Publication Process

Publication Process

The journal utilizes Open Journal Systems (OJS) version, an open-source journal management and publishing software that is freely developed, supported, and distributed. The publication process is as follows:

  1. Submission of Articles
    Corresponding authors or submitting authors must submit their articles through OJS. Additionally, articles may be sent via email to the editorial office at
  2. Editorial Office Assessment
    The editorial team reviews the composition and formatting of the paper according to the Journal of Law Science's Author Guidelines to ensure that the paper contains the necessary sections and adheres to the required style. The quality of the paper is not evaluated at this stage.
  3. Editor-in-Chief (EiC) Assessment
    The Editor-in-Chief (EiC) evaluates whether the article is suitable for the Journal of Law Science and assesses its originality and appeal. If the article does not meet the necessary standards, it may be rejected without further review.
  4. Assignment of Section Editor (SE)
    If the article passes the initial assessment, the EiC will assign a Section Editor (SE). The Journal of Law Science has a team of Section Editors who manage the peer review process. The SE will be assigned at this stage.
  5. Invitation to Reviewers
    The handling editor invites individuals who are deemed suitable to review the article. Additional invitations may be issued as needed until the required number of acceptances is achieved. All articles undergo a double-blind peer review process by at least two reviewers with relevant expertise.
  6. Response to Invitations
    Prospective reviewers consider the invitation based on their expertise, potential conflicts of interest, and availability. They then accept or decline the invitation. If declining, reviewers may suggest alternative reviewers if possible.
  7. Review Process
    Reviewers allocate time to read the paper multiple times. The first reading helps form an initial impression of the work. If significant issues are identified at this stage, reviewers may reject the paper without further work. Otherwise, reviewers read the paper thoroughly, take notes, and provide a detailed point-by-point review. The completed review is submitted to the journal with recommendations for acceptance, revision, or rejection. The review results are usually available within one month of submission.
  8. Editor Evaluation of Reviews
    The handling editor considers all submitted reviews before making a final decision. If reviews are highly divergent, the editor may seek additional opinions from other reviewers.
  9. Decision and Communication
    The editor communicates the decision to the author via email, including relevant comments from the reviewers. Authors are required to address all revisions in the manuscript as per the reviewers' requests. Reviewers should be prepared to review the revised version unless they have opted out of further participation.
  10. Final Steps
    If accepted, the paper proceeds to the production stage, and the author will be notified. If rejected, the manuscript will include constructive comments from reviewers and the editorial team to assist the author in refining the article.